
Showing posts from March, 2022

Practical No 5

                                                 Practical No 5 Aim: Prepare board SRS for the above selected project. This page is an SRS for Bank management system      The Traditional way of maintaining details of a user in a bank was to enter the details and record  them. Every time the user need to perform some transactions he has to go to bank and perform  the necessary actions, which may not be so feasible all the time. It may be a hard­ hitting task for  the users and the bankers too. The project gives real life understanding of  banking and  activities performed by various roles in the supply chain. Here, we provide an automation for  banking system through BMS (Bank management System). Banking system project captures activities performed by different roles in real life banking which provides enhanced techniques  for maintaining the required in­ formation up­ to ­date, which results in efficiency. The project  gives real life understanding of  banking and activities performed 

SEN Practical No 4

                                         SEN Practical No 4 Aim Gather application specific requirement for assimilate into requirement engineering. Requirements engineering (RE)  refers to the process of defining, documenting, and maintaining requirements in the engineering design process. Requirement engineering provides the appropriate mechanism to understand what the customer desires, analyzing the need, and assessing feasibility, negotiating a reasonable solution, specifying the solution clearly, validating the specifications and managing the requirements as they are transformed into a working system.  Feasibility Study Requirement Elicitation and Analysis Software Requirement Specification Software Requirement Validation Software Requirement Management Requirement Analysis Software requirement specification is a kind of document which is created by a software analyst after the requirements collected from the various sources - the requirement received by the customer written in or

SEN Practical NO 2

                                                          Practical No 2 Write the project tittle and specific requirement for the project. Bank Management System Problem Statement The bank management system is an application for maintaining a persons account in a bank.The system provides the access to the customer to create an account deposit and withdraw his/her money anytime in his bank account using bank management system.Bank management system also allows its user to check their account report.The software is easy to use, and makes banking simple both for the bank and customer. Introduction The main purpose of bank management system is to provide an interface to the user  so one can easily deposit or withdraw cash or create a bank account.Bank management system solves financial application of a customer in banking environment in order to nurture needs of an end banking user by providing various ways to perform banking task.As bank management system itself handles a persons account

SEN Practical no 3

                                   SEN Practical No 3                Select the process model to define activity and related task for assign project.                              In bank management System we have used waterfall model. waterfall model The waterfall model is a classical model used in system development life cycle to create a system with a linear and sequential approach. It is termed as waterfall because the model develops systematically from one phase to another in a downward fashion.This model is divided into different phases and the output of one phase is used as the input of the next phase. Every phase has to be completed before the next phase starts and there is no overlapping of the phases.  The sequential phases described in the Waterfall model are: 1. Requirement Gathering- All possible requirements are captured in product requirement documents. 2. Analysis Read - the requirement and based on analysis define the schemas, models and business rules. 3. System Design