SEN Practical No 4

                                 SEN Practical No 4

Aim Gather application specific requirement for assimilate into requirement engineering.

Requirements engineering (RE) refers to the process of defining, documenting, and maintaining requirements in the engineering design process. Requirement engineering provides the appropriate mechanism to understand what the customer desires, analyzing the need, and assessing feasibility, negotiating a reasonable solution, specifying the solution clearly, validating the specifications and managing the requirements as they are transformed into a working system. 
  1. Feasibility Study
  2. Requirement Elicitation and Analysis
  3. Software Requirement Specification
  4. Software Requirement Validation
  5. Software Requirement Management
Requirement Analysis
Software requirement specification is a kind of document which is created by a software analyst after the requirements collected from the various sources - the requirement received by the customer written in ordinary language. It is the job of the analyst to write the requirement in technical language so that they can be understood and beneficial by the development team.

External Interface Requirement

These requirements include user interfaces (interaction logic between software and user), screen layouts, buttons, functions on every screen, hardware interfaces (here a team describes what devices the software is created for), and other relevant particularities.


we have gathered relevant application specific requirement for assimilate into requirement engineering.

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